
The renewal of the menu and print media for Kindness has transformed the visual communication of the pizzeria, making it fresher, more playful and recognizable. A project that underlines the importance of a careful and innovative design to best convey the values of a brand.
2 weeks
Icona "Versatilità"

The challenge

Facing the challenge of revolutionizing an already working aesthetic for Kindness, one of the best pizzerias in Bergamo, required an innovative approach. Kindness wanted a fresh and fun graphic that would immediately convey the attention and passion dedicated to each pizza. The goal was to give an extra boost to communication, making it more recognizable and lively, without losing the essence of the brand.

Icona "Soluzione"

The solution

The choice of graphics with bright and playful colors, combined with equally playful shapes, proved successful. The layout, while maintaining clear legibility, has acquired a well-defined and consistent identity. Each graphic element has been designed to reflect the energy and passion of Kindness, creating a perfect combination of aesthetics and functionality.

Icona "Risultato"

The result

The Kindness print media have been completely renewed and adapted to the new and fresh graphics. The complete menu in A5 format, the flyers, the PVC signs and the menus projected on the TV have all benefited from this transformation. The enthusiasm of the Kindness kids confirmed the success of the project, highlighting the perfect harmony between the new graphics and the identity of the venue.

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